I was pretty excited when Shauna emailed me about photographing her and Tyler’s wedding. I went to high school with both Shauna and Tyler and I actually spent the first 6 years of my life as Tyler’s next door neighbor. I can still remember playing cops and robbers in the summer with Tyler, his sister, and the other neighborhood kids. Fun times!

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I was starting to get scared that this engagement session wasn’t going to happen… you see, Nate’s job has a crazy schedule where he is away for work for two or three weeks at a time and then is home for only a couple days. I can’t even image! We have been trying to schedule their engagements since April and when we finally found a date that worked for all of us it rained and we had to start all over. We finally got together and squeezed in their session on Tuesday evening just in time for their wedding in about a week! You will be seeing these two again VERY soon!

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Mike and I had SO much fun with Tim and Renee this past weekend! We met up with them at their property. Tim is a dairy farmer and has just under 200 acres. Their wedding will be taking place on the property in September and then the reception will be right down the road at his sister’s farm. It’s going to be beautiful and Mike and I are super excited.

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This past Saturday Mike and I got to meet up with Jessica and Andrew in Lititz. I felt like we were waiting forever for their engagement session to come but it’s probably because the first time we tried to meet it started pouring on our way to meet them. We ended up having them sit in our car for 30 mins to see if the rain would stop… It didn’t and we ended up rescheduling, which I’m so glad we did.

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